Marketing Tip: Always Carry a Book with You
Written by
Maria Murnane
May 2015
Written by
Maria Murnane
May 2015

Whenever possible, I suggest making a concerted effort to have at least one copy of your book with you wherever you go. You never know when you're going to come across a potential reader, so it's best to be prepared. I've sold (and given away) many books over the years simply because I had a copy with me. The reality is that most people will go their entire lives without meeting an author, so when it happens, they are often excited to buy a signed copy. Why? Because even if they don't plan to read it, having a personalized autographed copy of a book is cool! And who knows? Maybe they will read it, love it, write a glowing review about it on Amazon and Goodreads, then tell their friends to read it, or even buy copies for their friends as gifts.

I try to have a copy of at least one of my books with me at all times

Here are some places I have sold and/or given away my books: 

  • Airplane
  • Train
  • College alumni networking event
  • Dentist's office
  • Holiday cocktail party
  • Starbucks
  • Optometrist's office
  • Soccer game
  • Yoga studio
  • Friend's barbecue

As I mentioned above, I've also given many copies away, which is a good strategy when the recipients are the kind of people who are likely to share their opinions on social media, etc., or are in a clear position to help you if they enjoy the book.

I realize that carrying a book around isn't always practical, especially if you don't use a purse. But if you have a car, it is definitely doable. Just toss a few copies in the trunk, and you're good to go. The key is to do your best to be consistent, because you just never know whom you're going to meet while waiting in line for that latte.



Maria Murnane is the best-selling author of the Waverly Bryson series, Cassidy Lane, Katwalk, and Wait for the Rain. She also provides consulting services to aspiring and published authors. Learn more at


This blog post originally appeared on Reprinted with permission. © 2015 CreateSpace, a DBA of On-Demand Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved.

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  • Terry Lee

    What a great idea. I carry books in my trunk and refer to myself as the "traveling sales lady" but I don't actually carry one with me. How easy that will be. Thanks for the tip!

  • Valerie Rainey

    make sure that your precious books are protected in the trunk of your car by being in a non see through container! I had some books a few years ago go all faded......not so good!

  • Leigh Goodison

    I haven't been carrying books, which sounds like a great idea. What I do is carry bookmarks that have a jacket photo, book blurb and my website on them. When I'm in a waiting room I place them in magazines. At the library I leave them at the free information counter, and often use them in place of a business card when I'm speaking to people when they hear I'm an author. Even at book events when people pass by without stopping, I engage them with a smile and the comment, "Would you like a free bookmark?" I've never had anyone turn me down.

  • Rossandra White

    Good to remember! Thanks for the reminder. And the dentist's a great idea too, Betsy Teutsch,

  • Rita Gabis

    I've heard this before..forgot about it totally…so glad for this reminder…also cards…Gratefully, Rita

  • Betsy Teutsch

    I had beautiful postcards printed and give them out instead of business cards. Leaving them around is a good idea! Definitely hitting up my dentist next week!!

  • Mardith Louisell

    Love it. Same as carrying your card. YOU NEVER KNOW! That goes for artists as well as writers.