This blog was featured on 07/20/2016
5 Things I Wish Every Author Knew
Written by
Brooke Warner
November 2014
Written by
Brooke Warner
November 2014

In my work with authors I see every kind of personality, and I’ve seen firsthand all the ways writers trip themselves up. In my book, What’s Your Book?, I wrote about an irony I see in my work—that the two seemingly opposing mindsets of “I am special” and “I am shit” paralyze writers in similar ways. The “special” folks get tripped up by envy and frustration and impatience; the “shit” folks get bogged down by the debilitating notion that others are better, that their work sucks, and that no one will want to read their book.

These are five things I wish I every author could carry with them through their writing journey. Though they’re all things people know, writing a book is one of those experiences that causes rational people to sometimes lose perspective, if not their sanity. So here's a reminder to keep your eye and your heart on what matters as you write.

1. Your first book won’t make you any money or bring you fame.

I don’t start with this to be a downer as much as to encourage you, especially if you’re just starting, to keep your eye on the long-term vision. If you only have one legacy book you intend to publish, skip to #2, but if you want to become an author, you need to be thinking about writing and publishing more books. Mark Nepo, now a New York Times best-selling author, once told me that he was happy he’d kept writing even when no one was listening. With so many voices out there, it’s easy to feel like putting your content out into the world is pointless at times. But your content is your legacy, and once you start building a following, you’ll want and need that inventory—your blog posts, your bylines, or previously published books. Being an author is like training for an epic marathon. You can rest, and even take days off, but don’t give up on your training when it feels hard. Just like in life, the real rewards come from sticking with it. 

2. Getting published will change your life, but maybe not in the way that you think.  

Though getting published is not likely to bring you money or fame, it will open doors. Being a published author is game-changer for executives, leaders, and coaches. It’s your calling card; it will open doors and bring you clients. For novelists and memoirists, your book gives you instant cred. You’re an expert for having accomplished the feat. You can teach and sit on panels and share your knowledge with others who aspire to do what you’ve done. Remember to be a good ambassador to the literary world, and embrace your new role with humility.

3. Don’t worry about the competition.

Too many writers I work with lose faith when they discover a book that’s “just like mine.” And though there’s an old truism that there’s no such thing as a new idea, aspiring authors often forget this truth when they set out to write a book. Take heart, because there are plenty of ways to put a new spin on old ideas. There will always be room for the quest memoir, the epic family novel, the real-life tale of courage, the re-imagined true story. Allowing yourself to sink into despair because someone “stole” your idea, or got it first, is playing the victim. Things do not happen to you. You make things happen.

4. There are many paths to getting published, and what worked for someone else might not be what works for you.

Your friend’s story about her colleague who got a traditional publishing deal after just one week of shopping her book may serve as a beacon of hope, but it’s more likely to set you up for disappointment. What about those self-published authors who are quitting their jobs because they’re making millions of dollars a year off of all their book profits? Same thing. Let these stories be an inspiration, but don’t let them drive you. Don’t let other people’s accomplishments be a way in which you measure yourself against others. Start to educate yourself about your publishing options, and have a plan, and a backup plan. Decide up front whether you will publish no matter what; if the answer is yes, you’ll find your way.

5. Your voice matters, and your readers are out there.

You will encounter a crisis of confidence (or two, or three, or four) on your writing journey. Then another when you are ready to publish, and another when your book comes out into the world. There will be highs and lows, and you must weather the lows by arming yourself with affirmations! Remember why you set out to write your book in the first place. Get in touch with that spark that first inspired you: to touch another; to help someone; to entertain someone; because you had to. Whatever your reason was, let it be your motivator. That original spark holds a kernel of truth for you that you can tend to and flame to grow bigger, or forget about and deny and let die. You choose.

I'd love to hear from you. What do you know to be true about writing, publishing, and authorship? What hard-earned wisdom have you gained from publishing your work that you wish others knew? Share your wisdom with us!


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  • Brooke Warner Outlining

    Thanks, Cheryl. Good suggestion!

    Sue—yes. This is interesting, isn't it? The world of publishing is totally turned on its head and so it might be time to reconsider your own path.

    Congrats to you, Deborah, on the first book an on finishing the second. My greatest hope is that all authors will see their books through to publication, but the journey for each one is so different. Never give up indeed!

  • Deborah Clearman

    Heartening! As my first novel came out four years ago and my second book--finished two years ago--still hasn't found a home, I've been feeling a little down in the dumps. Your 5 points are all well taken. The good news is that I''m well along in a third novel and have just started a fourth. Never give up!

  • Sue Y Wang

    This is wonderful, Brooke. Thank you. I have version 3 of my draft/memoir and am about to scrap it for version 4. I see someone I met at a writing conference in 2011 self-pubbing her 3rd book, speaking, teaching... It gives me pause (what is my back-up plan and what am really doing?) All 5 points resonate :) #5 is helpful in that this is an epic marathon -remember why we signed up to run. Always good to keep in mind.

  • Cheryl Rice

    HI Brooke. Thank you! This is so well said. As a newly published author, your points 1 and 5 are especially helpful as I was experiencing a bit of post-partum-publishing blues. So your suggestion of reminding myself why I did this in the first place is quite helpful. Also - This would be a great addition to the SWP author handbook!

  • Ellen Cassedy

    I like your thoughts about "I'm special" vs. "I'm shit."  Not only are they both similarly paralyzing -- after much experience with both feelings, I've come to the conclusion that they're closely linked.  "Pride goeth before a fall," I believe, is not just a cautionary warning to be humble, but also but an actual description:  puff yourself up, and bleak thoughts will inevitably follow.     

  • Brooke Warner Outlining

    Thanks, Ellen! Glad we're on the same page. :)

  • Ellen Cassedy

    I agree:  Don't worry about the competition (though it's hard not to).  The fact that there are other books like yours, or on your topic, means there's a healthy, thriving interest in what you're doing.  Take heart!

  • Brooke Warner Outlining

    Totally, Nina. Well said!

  • Nina Angela McKissock

    All I know is about writing. It's not for someone who takes things personally or isn't willing to change their opinion of themselves or others. It's as though you are naked, turned inside out, swirled-around and spit out on a weekly basis. Your demons are one's you create within your mind and just keep faith in yourself.