Introverted Authors: More Bang for Your Book
Written by
Maria Murnane
August 2012
Written by
Maria Murnane
August 2012

My friend Nancy Ancowitz is a business communication coach and author of Self-Promotion for Introverts®: The Quiet Guide to Getting Ahead. I asked if she'd be willing to share some marketing tips for introverted authors, and she graciously agreed. Here's what she had to say:

Do you break out in a cold sweat at the thought of tooting your own horn, but enjoy singing the praises of others? That's fine (and really common!). Then help promote one another's wares. You don't have many friends, especially who are authors? Fine too. That's where social media, your alumni organization, your volunteer work buddies, and acquaintances from your other circles come in. Look to help others by offering valuable information, insights, and introductions - and ask for help too.

Use your introvert's advantages by:

  • Researching - Become knowledgeable about the market for your book (your readers, your competitors, how your work is different).
  • Listening - By keeping your ear to the ground, you'll gather good intel.
  • Building relationships over time, one at a time with social media mavens, journalists, avid readers of books like yours, and other authors.
  • Writing your heart out!

You have endless tools at your disposal - and most of them are already familiar to you. Position yourself as an expert on the likes of LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. Pen reviews, blog and guest blog, and share updates on  YouTube. Enter your book for awards. Write targeted notes to bloggers and editors introducing them to your book. If public speaking doesn't give you night sweats, give a talk or two, not to mention podcast and radio interviews. Ask other authors for testimonials. Cross-promote with authors whose works are complementary to yours. Don't forget that e-mail is still a great way to reach your fans. If you're good with the occasional meeting, attend or organize Meetups and Tweetups - not to mention online  Google+ Hangouts.

The list of visibility-raising activities for you and your book goes on and on. The key is to make your own list and take action. Pick the promotional activities you like best - or find least objectionable! - and become the steward of a visibility program for yourself and your book. Of course, use the power of your pen (or thumbs!) to describe your book in snappy ways so it stands out from the crowd.

Are you an introvert? You might want to check out Nancy's book.

To learn more about Nancy, visit


Maria Murnane is the best-selling author of the romantic comedies Perfect on Paper, It's a Waverly Life, and Honey on Your Mind. She also provides consulting services on book publishing and marketing. Learn more at


This blog post originally appeared on Reprinted with permission. © 2012 CreateSpace, a DBA of On-Demand Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved.

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  • Carol Hedges

    Absolutely good advice! Especially building relationships  - I like FB and Twitter (@carolJhedges) and I CHAT 90% and self promote 10%. It does take time, but I'm amazed how quickly you can get to know people - and when they know you, they'll Retweet you, or share your links. My problem is twofold: I'm promoting an ebook and it's YA. So no lovely book to wave around, and difficult to reach the YA Kindle folk. But hey, writing is what we do. X

  • Tina L. Hook

    I find that writing nurtures my inner introvert, essentially forcing me to work in quiet seclusion alone with my thoughts. It is funny how self-promotion requires the exact opposite of what I spend most of my time cultivating. I enjoyed all of these tips. I will be bookmarking this one.

  • Daphne Q

    I'm not really an introvert... but there is still some great advice here. Thanks, Maria!