• Brooke Warner
  • Thank You for Being a Writer and Supporting Women Writers!
This blog was featured on 08/30/2016
Thank You for Being a Writer and Supporting Women Writers!
Written by
Brooke Warner
November 2011
Written by
Brooke Warner
November 2011
  • I am grateful to Kamy Wicoff for inviting me to be a guest blogger on She Writes this week.
  • I am grateful for my guest contributors who made blogging twice a day this week possible.
  • I am grateful to She Writers for being so supportive of one another.
  • I am grateful that I get to work with women writers and publish women writers.
  • I am grateful for groups of women who support each other to write.
  • I am grateful to women writers who promote their own work loudly and proudly.
  • I am grateful to published writers who help other writers get published, by introducing them to their agents and editors, championing their writing, and blurbing their work.
  • I am grateful to publishing platforms---traditional, self, vanity, and even blogs and microblogs---for connecting people everywhere to the written word.
  • I am grateful for women writers who persist, who feel their story is worth sharing, who must write, and who never give up.

You all are the best!


Brooke Warner is the Executive Editor at Seal Press and coaches writers to publication through her business, Warner Coaching. Sign up for her newsletter and get monthly inspiration and tips about writing, shopping, and publishing.

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  • Brooke Warner Outlining

    Hi Anastasia, we're grateful to you for such a wonderful book!

  • Kamy Wicoff Brainstorming

    And I am so grateful to you for guest editing this week!!!

  • Brooke Warner Outlining

    @Diane, that poem of Mark's isn't published yet. It's in a yet-to-be published book of poems. It's a great one, though. And yes, @Grace, it's totally similar to that one about the hole, which I also love!

  • Brooke Warner Outlining

    @Glenda, it's tough. You need  to make time for the blogging, and that's it. I recommend setting aside an hour or two in your schedule (whether this is weekly or monthly depends on how much you want to blog) and just making the space to do it. No one has the time, and that's the conundrum. Here's a recent post I did about how to blog your book: http://warnercoaching.com/2011/11/13/be-relevant-how-to-blog-about-your-book-to-be/

  • Brooke Warner Outlining

    @Caroline. Awesome. Thanks for adding to the list!

  • I am grateful that I am encouraging my son to write and be creative along with playing sports--

    I am grateful that my daughter loves her picture books as much as her dolls--

    I am grateful that I have the time to write, to teach, to even, at odd times, event to  read

    I am grateful for my book club  -- moms, artist, teachers and working executives who somehow find a way to come together with each other every few weeks to talk about books and life (even if we all can't finish the book at hand!).  I am grateful for the books, especially those by women (though I like men too, I just know it's sometimes harder to find time or fortitude to write, and then to gain recognition).   Thank you shewrites, too.  I'm grateful to all of you--

    I am grateful, most of all, for my family --

    Truthfully, the author of LIE.



  • Grace Peterson

    We all have so much to be grateful for, don't we? Thank you Brooke for bringing the like-minded together. I'm still a newbie here but not too new to know how lucky I am. :) Great poem below. It reminds me of that one about the writer falling into the hole in the sidewalk. The next day she is aware of it but still falls in. The next day she goes around it. The next day she walks on the opposite side of the street. I'm not doing it justice, but the idea is a change in attitude as well as behavior. At least this is how I interpret it. Anyway, thanks again. 

  • Glenda Ryans

    Hi, I have been writing a story on my blog, and I was just wondering if anyone has the time to go to my blog and read it...If I don't have the punch to be a writer...I need to know now..

    Thanks so much for helping me out.


  • Diane Amento Owens

    Wow, that poem is a good one for writers, Brooke! Thank you for sharing it. Which book of Mark's is that from?

    I don't yet have a book of his poetry--just the Awakening one and the wonderful The Exquisite Risk. The poem reminds me of what I read this morning from "Risk": "You see, I had tried so hard to please that I never realized no one is watching. I imagined, like every child at school, that my parents were sitting just out of view like those quiet doctors behind clean mirrors. I even felt the future gather like an audience, ready to marvel at how much I had done with so little." So what's Mark's answer to our people-pleasing, rejection-fearing tendencies? Get off the wheel! 

  • Ronda LaRue

    Beautiful simplicity on the ways of the mind and the seeing wisdom to "step off the wheel"!  Thank you for this Mark and for your lifework -- a kindred spirit

  • Brooke Warner Outlining

    That's awesome, Diane. Thanks for sharing this. And what a gift Mark's work is! If you love Mark's work and haven't seen this poem, it's a great one for writers and one of my favorites:


    Thinking Like a Butterfly, by Mark Nepo


    Monday I was told I was good.

    I felt relieved.

    Tuesday I was ignored.

    I felt invisible.

    Wednesday I was snapped at.

    I began to doubt myself.

    On Thursday I was rejected.

    Now I was afraid.

    On Saturday I was thanked

    for being me. My soul relaxed.

    On Sunday I was left alone

    till the part of me that can’t

    be influenced grew tired of

    submitting and resisting.

    Monday I was told I was good.

    By Tuesday I got off the wheel.

  • Diane Amento Owens

    I am grateful to you, Brooke. Your newsletters earlier this year on the editing process were fabulous, and I even sent one to a writer who wanted me to edit her work but hadn't a clue what edited involved. But most of all, I am grateful that through your website I was introduced to Mark Nepo and The Book of Awakening. Now I begin every day blessed with the gift of Mark's words and wisdom. Thank you!!

    Diane Owens