This blog was featured on 09/01/2016
Paper The World With Poetry Today!

Poem-In-Your-Pocket Day is one of the most simple yet uplifting traditions of National Poetry Month.  School children carry poetry close to their bodies, learning the precious value of words that speak to them, and to the world as well.  Grownups take a moment to think: what is the poem they most want to carry with them today, and why?  

But we are She Writes, so we have our own little twist to put on Poem-In-Your-Pocket Day, just like last year, so get guerilla, girls!

Today, we want you to paper the world with poetry!
(and take pictures so we can see where and how you did!)

Don't just keep that poem hidden away.  Pull it out of your pocket and paste it to a lampost! Leave it on a bench!  Stick it to a stop sign!  Tape it to the bathroom mirror in a restaurant, or a store, or your bus stop! Get creative, and please, share your poetry-pics with us.  (So much cooler than party pics.)  

You can attach them as comments to this post, and if you have a story to tell about why you chose the poem you did, please, share that with us, too.  

I am going to start my day by posting this poem somewhere in the world -- sent to me yesterday by a friend who is living with cancer.


If I could live again my life,

In the next - I'll try,

- to make more mistakes,

I won't try to be so perfect,

I'll be more relaxed,

I'll be more full - than I am now,

In fact, I'll take fewer things seriously,

I'll be less hygenic,

I'll take more risks,

I'll take more trips,

I'll watch more sunsets,

I'll climb more mountains,

I'll swim more rivers,

I'll go to more places - I've never been,

I'll eat more ice creams and less (lime) beans,

I'll have more real problems - and less imaginary


I was one of those people who live

prudent and prolific lives -

each minute of his life,

Off course that I had moments of joy - but,

if I could go back I'll try to have only good moments,

If you don't know - thats what life is made of,

Don't lose the now!

I was one of those who never goes anywhere

without a thermometer,

without a hot-water bottle,

and without an umbrella and without a parachute,

If I could live again - I will travel light,

If I could live again - I'll try to work bare feet

at the beginning of spring till

the end of autumn,

I'll ride more carts,

I'll watch more sunrises and play with more children,

If I have the life to live - but now I am 85,

- and I know that I am dying.

Jorge Luis Borges


I can't read that poem and imagine that putting it up in the world today won't make somebody's life change. That's what poetry can do -- if we share it.

Let's be friends

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  • Ey Wade

    I posted this on my blog after holding my newborn grandson for what seemed like hours, but wasn't nearlly long enough. It is an ode to one of my favorite colors-grey.

    I love this brand new shade of grey. The shade in Jett's newborn eyes. The shade that doesn't rival, but completes the skies.

    I can see the parting whispers of God with each flicker of his lashes. And smile at their sparkle when a rememered joy flashes.

    I wonder at the knowledge the angels did share when I run my hand over the soft strands of his hair.

    I'm really lovng this brand new shade of grey.

    Always watching
    A real 'smeizer'
  • You guys are awesome.


  • So many great poems, so much creativity on this special day!

    Wrote a poem that I posted on my blog at HAPPY POETRY IN YOUR POCKET DAY 2011!!!

    It was inspired by a stone!

    Happy rest of Poetry Month!!! 


  • Barb Lewis

    I just discovered that I participated and didn't know about the special occasion! Every month I decorate the envelope I drop off to our city clerk with the monthly utility payment. I tend to only spend a few hours on the project. Today I wrote a poem and scanned in the envelope before I delivered payment. I think I might start sending along a poem in other bills I pay. Here was this months payment...

  • Elaine Fields Smith

    We're having a cowboy poetry contest in my town tomorrow evening. I'm a judge and wrote these to lighten the way:

    If thar's anybody here, 'round Dublin way,
    What's lookin' for some do'ins tomorry day,
    Git on your duds and grab your relations
    Then come on down to the Cowboy Culture Celebration!

    To introduce the competition, I'll be reading/reciting this:

    It's time to sit on back in yo're seat
    And we'll be bringin' ya quite a treat.
    They'll spin us a story
    Of grand western glory-
    By rhymin' in verse and havin' the guts to show it,
    We proudly present - The Cowboy Poets!
  • Loraine Despres

    I love this poem and want to put it in my pocket.

  • I posted the Borges poem on an alarm box at the corner of Chambers Street and the West Side Highway.  If ever a poem was intended as an alarm, it was this one -- Borges died two years later.  Made me inspired to soak up the sun today...

  • @meadow, I love that poem -- what a perfect thing to post!  And L.A., I understand your concern, but the best thing in the world would be for your words to touch others so much they wanted to STEAL them!!

  • Lynn Fisher

    Day Without A Poem



    sneezed all day,

    have a story due,

    late for work,

    ran for the bus.


    two early meetings,

    one after another...


    came home and found

    my street torn up.


    there will be no poem today.

     -L Fisher

  • Meadow Braun

    i posted this nikki giovanni poem near my apartment in spanish harlem.

  • Estee Klar

  • Chelsea Beauchamp

  • Lisa Peet

    I have a blog post up about Poem in Your Pocket Day on Like Fire, which includes a photo of the poem I'm carrying around -- not one of my own, but one I love.

  • L. A. Howard

    I'll be honest; this frightens me a bit, not because I don't want to share my words, but because I'm afraid of someone else taking my poetry and publishing it under their own name.

    Am I just being paranoid???

  • Lynn Fisher

    I'm also participating in NaPoWriMo (30 poems in 30 days)...see it here:

    but I will post my pocket poem there tonight!

  • Mona Fitch-Elliott

    I published a poem about multiplication on It happens to be a small poket book for kids who are in the process of learning the multiplication table. It is called Jam Times by Mona Fitch-Elliott. Love to have you preview and if you want to buy it. My little poetry contribution for this time.


  • Satya Robyn

    Wonderful idea - and I love the Borges poem. I love the PDFs on Thanks for letting me know about this project!

  • Tameka Mullins

    I chose the following poem to carry and share today:


    The Presence of Trees

    by Michael S. Glaser

    I have always felt the living presence 
    of trees

    the forest that calls to me as deeply 
    as I breathe,

    as though the woods were marrow of my bone 
    as though

    I myself were tree, a breathing, reaching 
    arc of the larger canopy

    beside a brook bubbling to foam 
    like the one

    deep in these woods, 
    that calls

    that whispers home




  • Margo Roby

    I'm carrying and memorising [it's short] Kooser's "Pocket Poem". I thought it apt and the emotion is so poignant.

  • Tameka Mullins

    Hi Kamy!

    I've been celebrating National Poetry Month by participating in NaPoWriMo, 30 poems in 30 days on my blog Lyric Fire. I am also choosing a poem to carry with me today. 


