Liz Taylor and We the Living
Written by
Jennifer O.
March 2011

Let's be friends

The Women Behind She Writes

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  • Deborah Batterman

    Just catching up with your post(s) . . . and the ones on Elizabeth Taylor particularly struck a chord. When iconic figures like her die, they remind us of the ways in which they managed to insinuate themselves into our lives. And, as you so poignantly point out, in the end, they're flesh and blood, like the rest of us. I was in Los Angeles this past weekend, to visit my daughter, and I was very curious to see the 'shrine' to Liz at the Abbey. As a young girl, it was difficult not to get caught up in the very public drama of this gorgeous, glamorous woman; some photos of my mother, a beautiful woman in her own right, are clear reflections of the Liz factor.