7 Surprising Things About Blogging
Written by
Victoria Mixon
February 2011
Written by
Victoria Mixon
February 2011
After two years of blogging, I've learned a few things. You'd be surprised.

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  • Victoria Mixon

    Oh, yes, there are formulas for that stuff. The general assumption in online community management (which is what my husband does) is that 10% of your readers will comment and 1% will actually engage in conversation with you. But if you look at the stats of some of the really big bloggers you see their comment rates are way, way lower. Three comments/35 hits is right there in the normal ballpark.

    You have to remember that the blogosphere offers an almost unlimited banquet of sheer stuff, and we're all rushing through it as fast as we can, particularly those of us who didn't grow up with it. We're just like the adults who didn't grow up with television, still crippled by the outmoded belief we can see it all---my grandfather would have watched ANYTHING.

    Nobody has enough time to think of an intelligent comment for every single thing they see online that they like. And a lot of people simply make the decision to never comment at all.