Why does blogging offend my soul?
Writing. It’s what I do. I’m a freelance writer. It’s been a part of my identity since I wrote little newspapers for my family (you might be familiar with my exposé piece, “Spaghetti for dinner: Fourth night in a row”). But I’m just now reluctantly jumping on the blogwagon. I think that comedian Mike Birbiglia articulated my sentiment best when he said he’s embarrassed to say he has a blog, because everybody has a blog. Communicating the minutia of their lives in dull statements more closely resembling text messages. Along with the contrarian in me revolting against starting a blog, the deep-seated old-school journalist in me considers the printed word to be far superior to the unedited smut that anyone can throw up on the inter-Webs. Working as a newspaper reporter, I had my outlet. Nothing could be more rewarding than publishing articles read by the community I lived in. But that’s not the case anymore. That was my golden era of writing, but now I’m living in Golden, Colo., trying to eek out a career as a freelance writer in an area of former Rocky Mountain News employees and hordes of other writers. Well, if I’m gonna’ be a dime a dozen, I might as well have an outlet for my musing. And if you’ve gotten this far, thanks for reading. Though my husband had encouraged me to start a blog a while ago, the real impetus came from an author and journalist I’ve been working for, Cathie Beck. After telling her some ideas I had to write about but not knowing where they’d fit in, she suggested putting them all on a blog. “The worst that could happen is that someone reads it,” she said. That did it. The worst that can happen is that you are reading this right now. Well, I suppose that’s not entirely true, you could hate it and then post something mean. But a wise journalism credo is that if you’re getting hate mail that means you have readers. So here I am, just another blogger wading through the literary waters of the digital age. Doing what any writer worth their salt does.

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  • Christina Brandon

    Yep, I too jumped on the blogging band-wagon as a way of exorcising thoughts floating around in my head. But it's also helped me improve my writing skills and given me a great outlet just to play with ideas and different styles of writing.

  • Alex Iwashyna

    i fought the blog idea, too. but i couldn't write poetry or anything that fell under "writing" for me everyday. and i loathe journaling. so i started guest blogging. then the pressure was on to start my own (Late Enough). so i did.
    and i think that if you start it for writing, it's a huge time suck. because i can't just hit publish without editing. and editing. and editing. it's just not my nature. i'm too picky.
    but it's given me a place to write 5/7 days a week and i really enjoy having readers. and I just don't sleep much.
    also my blog has opened up a few opportunities to showcase my writing. purely because i have a blog AND immediate writing samples to send people.
    but yes, we are sands on the blogging beach. but like a friend said some of us are more like glitter. and we all have a thing for shiny.

    ps. i would do research on blogging before leaping in. having a plan makes the transition into blogging and getting your blog OUT THERE easier.

  • Emily A. Palm Mulica

    Good points, Kevin. Thank you for your thoughts. Just because something is printed doesn't make it brilliant, and I suppose the inverse is true of the new media :)

  • Kevin Camp

    But while everyone might have a blog, not everyone's blog is worth reading. Nowadays, anyone can utilize digital technology and have a digital camera, but most are not photographers. Part of embracing new media is fighting the impulse to judge. And if you're at it long enough, you do get readers.

    I've been blogging for five years, and it wasn't until about a year ago that I actually had regular readers and began to make some minor name for myself.