Are We Ever Going to See Melody Bennet on a Silver Screen?
We might, if you help me vote for the video trailer of The Book of Obeah. The video was recently entered into a short film contest sponsored by the Topanga Film Festival and the winner, chosen by popular vote, will receive a production package! So, if you feel inclined, please, please, please help me make the Book of Obeah a winner. Voting is simple. All you need to do is click on the link, and click on the video. You will be asked to enter a user name and your e-mail and as soon as you are sent a password you can go in and click on the stars. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! It sure would be fun to see Melody Bennet on a big screen, wouldn't it??

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  • Thank you so much, Marsha!!!!!!!!!

  • M. Sparks

    Yes Sandra, Melody Bennet deserves the big screen and support goes out to her endeavors ! (we have a winner people). All the best to you as well my dear. :-)