Internet Dating
Written by
November 2009
Written by
November 2009
I know this doesn't pertain to writing exactly... except I could write about my experiences with internet dating, but I thought I'd make a blog post about it. So, I've signed myself up for internet dating... why, you may ask? Because there's no way I can meet people in my job career, I don't want to meet people at bars, no thanks, and it's been like... 2 years since I've been in a relationship. It's like selling yourself on an internet dating website, like an online interview you post for people to review and go "Yay" or "Nay" to. I know I'm alright to move into dating, and I am trying to put myself out there, going to things by myself, ect. but it's still so hard to meet people. In a way it's frustrating, I don't know quite what I'm getting myself into. I believe in things happening for a reason, but I don't think things can happen when you don't put yourself in a situation which makes it more convienent to make things happen. Internet dating, what am I getting myself into...

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  • Heidi Lee Munson

    Sweetie, you are getting yourself into a world of wonderful experiences, and I hope you are excited by it. There are so many positive things that can happen - just be cautious and smart about it.

    Actually, you can visit my site... the  or find my articles on at  where I give you plenty of tips on how to navigate that Toad Kingdom. Good luck, and I'd love to here how you enjoy it. Send me a private note if you'd like ;)