Planning to Write, Writing a Plan
Written by
Christi Craig
September 2009
Written by
Christi Craig
September 2009
With so many literary magazines open for submissions during the next several months, I'm curious how you plan? Or, do you plan? I've read about authors either gearing up for Fall submissions or creating their submission calendars. What's in your plan? I want to know. Do you calendar your creativity?

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  • Christi Craig Revising

    Great advice! I'll have to check my files...feels like I have several stories out there, but more likely it's only one or two. Do you write mostly fiction or nonfiction for your short stories? And, where do you find your inspiration?

  • Ginger B. Collins

    A friend got a positive rejection to a piece of her work with a note that said, "This isn't a good fit but we do like you writing and would consider another piece of work. She had nothing to send them. That was quite an eye-opener and motivated me to finish six pieces before I started submitting. Each story went to a different publication and when the rejections came in, or sufficient time had passed without response, I sent that story out to someone else. If a journal accepted simultaneous submissions, I sent the same story to another pub.

    I hit one out of the six and I was happy!
    Ginger B.