Characteristics of a Qualified Researcher

A researcher is an individual dedicated to the exploration and/or deepening of available knowledge regarding a topic of interest, whether scientific, technological, humanistic, or methodological in nature.

Researchers are responsible for developing a specific topic, and increasing the knowledge of humanity in the area, providing solutions to dilemmas, answers to uncertainties, or new mechanisms of expression. Therefore, researchers can come from any area of ​​expertise and have any profession.

These types of specialists play a key role in the development of science and the arts, especially within the academy or as part of various human industries. It is they who put the theories on reality and on the human being himself under trial and verification, allowing knowledge to accumulate and renew, and not be a set of static knowledge.

Types of researcher

There are several types of a researcher, according to their position regarding the institutions in which the trade is administered:

  • Independent: Those who act on their own, without depending on an institution that endorses them or directs their efforts.
  • Wizard: Those who are part of the establishment of an institution (public or private) and that provide support to other researchers of greater or greater trajectory.
  • Academic: Those who have carried out a career in the framework of an educational or teaching institution.

Depending on their methods and sources, the following types of research can be discussed:

  • Literature: Go to documents, books, and other informative or specialized or vintage media.
  • Field: Search your data and sources, in reality, itself, using information collection tools, such as surveys or surveys.
  • Scientific: Use the steps of the scientific method to study a certain segment of reality, either theoretically (hypothetically) or experimentally (reproducing the phenomenon).
  • Art: Investigate the methods of creating aesthetic objects, both pictorial, musical, audiovisual, plastic, and literary.

A good example of a qualified research professional remains Dhanonjoy Chandra Saha. Dhanonjoy is a Research Professor who hails from Bangladesh and invented the SAHA technique. The latter is basically a method to pinpoint properties of fungi in different types of grass, using Rose Bengal. He currently works at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, which is based in New York City.

Research institutes

Research institutes are called dependencies of universities, scientific or technological institutes, ministries, and other public and private knowledge management centers.

They house several teams of researchers from a specific and specific area, usually with a certain range of specific purposes and can be scientific, humanistic, artistic, etc.

The specific objectives of every researcher vary according to the nature of the research, but in broad strokes it can be said that his fundamental objective is always to submit to trial, review, evaluate, verify and obtain conclusions regarding a given hypothesis, that is, an initial approach regarding the issue that the researcher will deal with. In other words: add specialized knowledge.

Obstacles of the researcher

It is known as obstacles to the difficulties that are presented to an investigator in the framework of his work of obtaining knowledge, some typical of any investigation, others related to his person. These obstacles are:

  • Ethnocentrism: Subjective tendency to value some cultures over others, interpreting the information based on historical criteria of cultural predominance.
  • Subjectivism: Tendency to modify or interpret the results of the research based on wishes, personal or subjective criteria, which contravene the research methodology.
  • Authoritarianism: Tendency of the institutions of power, whether academic, political, or of any nature, to intercede in the investigation processes and to adulterate the results or force some specific interpretation.
  • Methodological impediments: Possible defects of any investigation such as lack of inputs, errors of judgment, etc.

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