Markets for horror stories

This might be crass, but I'd love to find more places to send my short horror stories. I know about a few: Cemetery Dance, Black Static,Chizine, and the ever-popular Weird Tales.

Do any of you all know of places that publish horror stories? Or of websites that list such things? I found one,Horror Factor, but over half of the magazines it lists are defunct.


  • I had a story published in one of the honourable mentions, Dark Moon Digest.  I haven't had any luck with the pro-rate venues yet.

  • DeLani,

    then I wish you good luck. Everyone has to start somewhere. I started writing poetry (sold one for $3.00 in an anthology) over forty-three years ago, then short stories and finally novels. In those olden days I checked the yearly (Fiction) WRITER'S MARKET out from the library and sent my ms to places listed in it. Try that. Go to your library and ask if there's a 2014 Fiction or Short Story WRITER'S MARKET. It also gives you so many good tips on writing and selling your work. If you really want to be a writer...most importantly: never give up. And be aware that there might not be much if any money in it for you for a while.

  • You're right...I'm certainly not going to get rich writing short stories! I'd just like to get some things published, make a name for myself, and maybe even get paid - at least a little!
  • I tried the magazine route a few years ago, and I'm an established author with many years and books behind me, but either they each went out of business too quickly, changed hands, lost editors like crazy, or I rarely heard back from them. So, in the end, I just self-published my Spooky Short Stories (one as a 4 story collection and then each separately at 99 cents each on Amazon Kindle KDP).  I found that selling short stories doesn't make me much money. Horror novels between 50,00 words and up sell but for me short stories didn't/ don't. Just saying.