Blog to eBook?

Does anyone here write their fiction/serial via blog/web initially before publishing on eBook?


  • I keep several blogs; one especially used for a horror story/serial.  I haven't published anything in the ebook format yet. I'm seriously considering it though; am not sure which venue to use (Lulu, Smashwords, etc.).  Any suggestions?

  • Yes I did that with Hemingway's and am very glad I did. It was an experiment in media convergence and I didn't try hard for readers, but it gave me a sense of having made a significant step forward and this is the year I will finish it and publish it. Was certainly very happy to have responses from people I don't know. I used one of the new blogger formats to publish my 7 Risks for Single Mothers and that's been especially rewarding and useful for identifying what worries single mothers most. I also plan to turn key posts from my WellywoodWoman blog, which is kind of a serial about women filmmakers into an eBook. Again, it's been very useful to be able to measure what posts are most meaningful to readers.

    Would love to know how you go if you try it!