What do you want from your Mother Writer?
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QUESTION Mother Writer! When Mother Writer! was started it was a great discussion forum, bursting with new friendships and huge amounts of advice and commiseration. MW even helped raise money for Doctors Without Boarders after the Haitian disaster and ran an essay contest for SW's first anniversary. As time has gone on it's become a landing spot for self promotion and Gobs of it. Mostly it's my fault; I got busy and dropped the ball. So tell me, Mother Writers, what do you want out of your group? How do you plan to use it?

  • Nicely put, Elizabeth, about the inevitable way things evolve on-line. Maybe it is more of a buffet table than a sit down and share a meal together table, but I value both tables. Like you, I can only sporadically sustain conversation, and this thread provides a low pressure medium.
  • Victoria, One more thing....I ruminated on this last night too...I also wondered if some of that first intense sharing was before we all realized just how public a venue a thread can be...I imagine that the connections are still forged but some of the conversations happen much more via inbox. There is also a great vulnerability in coming on and stating how you are doing, and waiting for a reply. And there's also the professionalism of sharing s link and letting that stand for one's contribution. I was initially drawn to the thread for its warmth. I stayed because of its wealth, even with the shift in emotional register. How do you see the thread morphing if you could change it?
  • As a latecomer to the group, I didn't know it existed as such a wonderful place of support and community service. It definitely provides a platform for promotion, sometimes I feel that's an inevitable piece of online communities today. I guess whenever I join an online community, I'm looking to learn from other people and looking to share my thoughts with others the way I do in any conversation with friends. In this case, I'm looking for friends who struggle to balance being a mom and being a writer but also love being both. 

    I'm not sure I can offer hard and fast suggestions on what I'd like to see...because my life is so busy I can't guarantee I could attend numerous chats or answer weekly questions or anything. But I could do things like that sporadically. 

  • Victoria! Great to see you here...I remember the early days...I have to say I felt the shift, but took it also as a sign of the inevitable changes in networking and industry. One thing I like to do when I come here to comment is to scroll through and make sure to land on one of the sites of my fellow mother writer's sites and leave a genuine comment. It is true that the personality of a guide lends warmth to a discussion thread, but I also know from direct experience the toll that takes on the curator...we are all spread in so many directions, but I value the nexus of this table at Mother Writer and consider it a valuable resource and a beautiful way to keep abreast of other writing mothers. Thank you for keeping it an open door and keeping the thread going.