Two versions of a poem
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A poem I found from when I was trying to understand where this sense of having two sides in me came from... I was recovering from my eating disorder and feeling very conflicted, my therapist asked me to try and sense what it is like to accept having both sides, just asking me to experience what it's like allowing both sides to exist and this poem came from that. I've reworked it and changed the tense

The original version;

Could it be that there have always been two of you
Because two were needed?
You heard the world call you twice
And so folded yourself within yourself.
Your chest is packed with your own throat.
Sea and sky packed like russian dolls
Around a seed that's ripe but can’t yet split.

And the current version;

Could it be that there have always been two of you
Because two are needed?
You heard the world call you twice
And so folded self within self,
Your chest packed with your own throat,
Sea and sky are Russian dolls
Close around a seed that's ripe but can’t yet split.