New to NaNo
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This is my first year in participating in NaNoWriMo. Anyone have any advice or tips for a first timer?
  • Hi,  I am on year 4 of nano.  I did horrible the first 2 years until I learned this summer to just write.  Yep, just write.  Don't worry about if it should go there, should a period go here, etc.  Just write.  Once I got in that groove things just flowed.  Doing nano, put the fire back in me and made me into a disciplined daily writer (literally I have alarms on my phone that go off when I should be writing).

  • Hi! Congrats on joining the NaNo train! My advice is to write as much as you can, especially in your first week. This will help later if you miss a day or can only write half of your expected your count. Also don't worry about making mistakes. Messing up is actually part of the game. NaNo helps you to fulfill a great piece of writing advice which is 'write hard and write fast'. The more time that you spend editing the less you will grow creatively. Let editing be something that is done after the draft is completed.

    Eat lots of your favorite foods and be prepared for the days when you feel like you've had enough or don't think that you can handle it. The first two weeks are the hardest and the last week is oddly terrifying and relieving at the same time. When you get stuck push past it and tell yourself its okay I can fix it later, the point is keep going and prove to yourself that you can do it.

    Good Luck! You can find me on NaNo if you want, my screen name is haydenspeaks.

    Keep going and I hope to see you in the winner’s circle!


  • Find a comfortable place, i.e. a recliner in front of the tv, lap desk for laptop, turn on a great show, surround yourself with favorite beverages and snacks. Or, in your office at your desk, turn stereo on fav station or play fav cds, surround yourself with fav bev and snacks, close door, crank up tunes and go to town!

  • Turn off your inner editor, turn off your spell check if the red and green squiggles make your eye twitch to go back and fix something :D Don't worry about it being perfect or even good just have fun and get the story out. 

    Don't let that 50k goal intimidate you, forget about it and concentrate on your daily goal. Break that down into chunks as well. Say every two hundred words you get to go update your word count. Seems silly but seeing the numbers in that box grow is a booster :) 

    The biggest tip I give my wrimos.... take a deep breath and enjoy the Novelventure :D 

  • This is only my second NoNoWriMo so I don't have a ton of advice but one thing I do know is that for me, last year was harder than I thought it would be. I'm typically pretty prolific and I run my own business from home - I thought it would be a cinch to reach 50,000. But things kept getting in the way, like my internal editor and my busy schedule. So this year, I have blocked off writing time EVERY DAY and am treating it like I would a client appt. Wish me luck and good luck to you!