Anyone Had Any Luck With Review Blogs/Sites?
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Hi all.  My first discussion, and am hoping for insight to this problem.  

I've recently Indie-Published my second novel (Contemporary Women's Fiction bordering on Romance), and am desperate for reviews.  So I followed the advice of most every How-To book out there and contacted about 8 romance blog/sites that offer reviews. I followed the sites's query/submission rules to the T and waited.  And waited.  And waited...  

I made the initial contacts on September 25th (3 weeks ago).

And I realize the people doing the blogging/reviewing are just swamped with requests.

So please tell me: am I being too impatient for a response?  Has anyone out there had any dealings of this sort? Should I just keep waiting to hear from these sites?  Does anyone have any suggestions?


(My Twitterings are @AuthorAnnette)

  • Thank you everyone for all of the information. It is a frustrating journey. I was lucky to make some connections on goodreads and a few other social sites that I belong to and I exchanged with other authors, which is good and bad. If you don't like their book or they don't like yours? I sent out to about twenty or thirty bloggers for review but got no response. So I decided to do a blog tour. I could have bought the package that would have had bloggers do the reviews and post but I didn't - it was quite cheap but more than I was willing to pay. So from Jan. 7 to Jan. 18th I am stopping at 12 blogs - I did articles and interviews. It has been interesting so far, more work than I expected but I have increased awareness of my book. I'll let you know if it really has made a difference in the long run. I also signed up to be a book blog host, so I get the chance to help other authors and drive traffic to my website. I also do my own interview with other authors and post on my website. Another avenue I have tried is online radio shows. I have done one and my second one is next month. I am getting a review from both of them. There are tons of radio shows, so find ones that are on your topic or just generally about books. They are often looking for someone to come on their show.  I also approached my local newspaper and talked with a woman who has a column and asked if she would review it. She said she would. I think the key is ask, whoever you think might be a good fit for you. Do some research first and make sure that your book is that person's 'cup of tea'. It will save you some anxiety later. Not always but may. No guarantees as to whether someone will like your book or not. Anyway I hope that what I have tried gives you some ideas. I too am always looking for more ways to market and get reviews too.

  • There have been great discussions here, and I'm glad to be able to look into some new avenues for reviews. I've been posted on several Goodreads discussions for reviews, but the only review that came along was one of those 1 star reviews with the only comment being that it wasn't her "cup of tea". I had paid a blogger $10 for that. I've decided to never pay for a review again.

    I'm also happy to do reviews, but must warn that I'm a slow reader due to time. I would need at least 2 month, maybe more depending on the size of the book. I like a wide variety of books, but there are some I'm definitely not so into. I'd like to exchange reviews with people where we both are interested in the topic of the other's book.

    My book is a literary, Christian speculative novel about a serial killer and his mother. You can check it out here and let me know if you're interested:

  • Sounds great!  I've just sent you an email to start the swap.



  • Hi Leti- (and anyone else who is interested).  I'd be open to doing a review swap as well.  I pretty much take all genres, and would be interested in people providing honest reviews for my book The Spring and Autumn Murders on their blog, etc.  my email for writing is info (at) writersthread (dot) com

    thanks, Laura

  • Hi Rebecca,  When I posted "Husbands", I announced the book and specifically asked for reviews.  Since then, they've added another page called "Book Junkies Promotion," so they may refer you there.

    Good luck! 

  • Hi Judith.  I'm interested in Book Junkies...but I have a question and apologize if this is a stupid question.  Does posting "Husbands" clue the Book Junkies group that someone needs a review? 

  • Hi Annette,

    Actually in the case of romances (which are huge right now) the bloggers may be dealing with a lot of backlog.  A three week to a month waiting time for a response, although annoying doesn't seem all that uncommon.  While I don't usually write romance, I have quite a few friends who do, and they are hitting the same problem.

    What my friends and I have done in the past is to put a shout out on twitter and facebook asking for people who are interested in reviewing their book.  You may not get a romance blog per se, but it will perhaps give you an opportunity to expose your work to an audience that you may be missing by focusing on romance bloggers only.

    Just a thought
