Need a Product Review at Amazon? So Do I! Let's Trade!
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Let's help each other by writing product reviews of each others books at Amazon! The product review system at Amazon is powerful. It is designed to crawl itself and categorize books according to numbers of reviews and their positive rankings. Your book can get ranked high in the automatic Amazon promoting system through product reviews! This will create invaluable free advertising for your book in front of their customers! For convenience, join the Mutual Product Review Group at SW and create a page for your books there with cover pics and book descriptions and email contact info. Set up your trade, then email manuscripts (or excerpts) in PDF to each other for review. If this would be beneficial to you, please join us and trade reviews!

  • We have had no problems with posting mutual reviews at Amazon or elsewhere and their full disclosure policy asking us to say if we got the product free is not a problem at all when posting reviews. May I again invite the members of this group to consider trading reviews with some of us at www.shewrites/group/mutual-product-review-group? I am a spiritual new age writer and would really like to read some of your work ladies, and be glad to post positive reviews. I am a "Top Reviewer" at and would be glad to hear from you. [email protected]


     Full disclosure: If you received a free product in exchange for your review, please clearly and conspicuously disclose that that you received the product free of charge.  

    Here is the Amazon statement at their site. Thanks Carol and Flora, for prompting me to look it up! It is important to be aware of it.


  • very interesting Flora... my reviews all say "customer review" yet I know that some of them got the book elsewhere. Maybe you just need to have purchased from amazon?  I'm sure they are always finding ways to circumvent our tricks and efforts :)   Or, you could just buy each other's book...

  • Please be aware that Amazon is turning an unkind eye to reviews from readers who did not purchase the book. Note when you look at the reviews that some of them indicate that the reviewer is a customer or bought the book.

    To get around this potential problem, some authors buy a copy and give it as a gift to the person they want to review the book.

    Has anyone heard about this issue?