Were You in the Dark During the Recent Blackout?
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Today my blog post was:

Lessons I Learned About Darkness and Light from the Recent Blackout.




  •  I forgot to mention one more thing in my reply. 

     That week without electricity, without water, without a flushing toilet, without heat,

                  that was the week that hell DID freeze over.


  • Sounds challenging, but cozy too...yes? It's good to be prepared. And truly this storm was quite a shock. But those many candles I tend to SAVE (for what I do not know!) shed a beautiful glow around the house.

    Thanks for reading!

  • We have to use an old camp stove or grill!  Lol!  But, we do have plenty of oil lamps & firewood.  Black outs are a common winter experience here in the Blue Ridge.  Nice read Elise!  ; )

  • Oh my! Yes, there are flashlights and candles too. What we didn't expect and were so thankful for was the hot water for showers (sorry!) and dishes because of a gas powered water heater and the gas burners that made cooking possible. I have to agree, sounds awful.

  • The dark was no problem; there are flashlights. But you haven't lived until you've taken a sponge bath in a freezing room using a cold wash cloth that you dipped into a cup of freezing water. Add to that the lack of flushing toilets and you have the groundwork for a movie called HELL.