Any favorite books with Farm, Ranch, Rural setting?
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Thanks for asking this question Patricia...


I'd have to say that some of John Sandford's books really cover their rural area well, as do Stephen Hunter's books with the Swagger family.  Louis l'Amour and Larry McMurtry covered the west very well.  My novel, Three Quarter Down, is set in a semi rural area that will be using the area around our ranch as a backdrop.


How about you all, what are your favorite books with a farm, ranch or rural setting?


  • The first thing I thought of when I read this was Linda M. Hasselstrom: "Land Circle" and "Going Over East", both excellent.  And "Tough By Nature" by Lynda Lanker -- amazing!

  • Thanks so much for relocating this question .

    You have so many great authors listed there, too.

    I read A Thousand Acres by Jane Smiley a few years ago but the King Lear type of characters didn't appeal to me.

    In Canada, Sharon Butala has written a great book called The Perfection of the Morning

    I used to read some work by Sinclair Ross, stories set in the Canadian west.

    Exciting that you have your own novel with that setting area.

    Hope we hear more of these titles!
