Soapboxes, Pontifications,Preaching platforms, or real discussions
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I'm reading through most of these posts and feel like I'm being preached at rather than coming to a place where there is real spiritual sharing going on.  Is there some competition going on here for each "speaker" to prove how far they are along the "path" in comparison to others or is there some real interaction and fellowshipping happening?  Since blogging is a way of speaking out to the world and not having to listen to anyone who logs on, I'm not sure where and how there is supposed to be some group interaction occurring.


I have taught meditation for more than 30 years and the one thing I'm sure of is that I don't know anything about Divine Grace except that I am humbled to know it's real.

  • I'm all for the real discussions! I've not been the most consistent participant in any Shewrite group, occasionally posting a blog and comments, but I've had this sense all along that it's a vibrant group with many women on 'the path,' however their small, still voice leads them.

    Some of the comments on this thread are testier than others, and I'll shy away from that. Who am I to assume I'm further along than you? I'm guessing it's all a circular road anyway. LOL! I do appreciate that you've introduced this topic, because it feels 'authentic' even if, despite and including the disagreements.


    Spirituality takes on different forms. My current explorations are mostly about sacred sexuality, though I don't consider myself some guru on the topic, just a curious woman with a furious pen. Of course I want people to read my work! But I think what you are suggesting here - that we engage in real discussions as opposed to just posting our latest blog - is really what Shewrites is about.


    So - how can we connect more deeply? How can we inspire one another? Who are you? What do you want? And where are you going?


    Please - if you've read this, send me a friend request. Let's create breathing room to write more creatively together.

    Shalomaste, T

  • Thank you for the welcome, Kimberly.

    Before I realized there was a life beyond Denise, I wrote legend pieces for local haunted houses as well as other fiction in order to escape my own reality.

    I am now working on a book aimed towards mothers of teenage girls who need a bit of Life pumped into them before they discover other ways to fiil their hearts with "false foods".

  • I have to admit, as I read through some of these replies a few of my old insecurieties started voicing themselves, "wow, they won't accept you" etc.. (sorry Satan, He who is in me...) anyway, after taking a few moments to re-read and ponder what was said, I realized that I may/will/plan on enjoying this group. Why? Because a dicussion such as this goes a long way in showing that we are all still completely human, regardless of the steps or how many we've taken along our own paths.

    I truly enjoy getting to know people via the internet. Writing has always been my outlet, my best way of communication, and forums such as this one allow me to do just that. I realize that the biggest and perhaps at times, deepest bonds are formed in "real life" but I have made some lasting friendships on the internet which have helped me grow and become a better person.

    Looking forward to getting to know everyone, flaws and all.


  • I know that as the economy seems to be as confused as those consumers who are affected by it, I have felt as though I have very little to give.  Recently I got an idea on how to use my couponing in order to help others.  If you want to hear more head over to Journey Towards Epiphany
  • @Brooke I understand what you're saying. The exchange of ideas related to spiritual writing should be actually inspiring. As spiritual beings in a world full of spiritual confusion and/or ignorance, writers should be voices in the wilderness crying out truth.  In this discussion group, let's encourage that work to be done "out there."