What steps can we, as women, take to protect ourselves from sexual assault
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Emily Bronte wrote, “I have dreamed in my life dreams that have stayed with me ever after and have changed my ideas. They have gone through and through me… and altered the color of my mind.” For a victim of sexual assault, those dreams are nightmares that affect every aspect of her life. The pain and debasement not only alter her perception, they change the very essence of who she is. We will continue to be the victims of sexual assault and domestic abuse until we stand up to the perpetrators and demand that they pay for their actions. There is no shame in being raped. There is no shame in being victimized. The shame lay in letting these monsters get away with their crimes because we are afraid or embarrassed. Do you agree? Solutions? How do we get the message out? Attached is the letter my daughter read in court during the trial of her rapist. Hopefully, it will give you some insight into how a rape victim feels and what they must endure for months and years after the attack.