Share your links, posts, and promotions about the anthology here.........
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Have you added a story about the anthology to your blog or website? Share it with everyone here. Have you added links to the Oil and Water blog, facebook page or She Writes page to your site? Share it with everyone here. Have you promoted the anthology on your site or blog? Share it with everyone here. We want to hear about what everyone has done to start the buzz about this amazing anthology....share away all!!
  • Hi Nicky,

    Great to "meet" you and thanks to you and Zetta for such a wonderful collection. I'll send you a message and maybe we can commence with the planning.

    All best, dania.

  • Dania, I'm in the Berkshires about 3 hours north of the city and come in all the time. Ralph White who runs the Open Center in New York is a friend and he was not only impressed by the book but really interested in the way it all came together. It might be possible to do something there unless you have another place in mind. Mary Rowe who wrote the intro is also back and forth between New Orleans and the city, I believe. I know Jay Slacks in is in Maryland and I bet he would come up for it. Plus there are a few people who are in Virginia as well so it might be doable for a few of them. I think Ginger McKnight-Chavers was at Sarah Lawrence so I think she is also in the NYC area and isn't Melanie Eversley somewhere in the vicinity? We might be able to gather a nice sized group. Just a thought. N

  • Hey all, I meant to mention that Spalding U (my MFA program -- and Kelly Martineau's and Angela Elson's) put up a link on its FB feed about the book. I know we'll hope to do some promotion in Louisville in May.


    Meanwhile, is there anyone else in NY? Would you want to work on pulling together a reading with me? And/or anyone else who might want to come to NY if I can arrange a reading here? I was thinking around the anniversary of the spill. Plus a party, of course!




  • Jenne'


    Ha ha ha you are too funny!  My day is very planned out and my life is CRAZY busy! =) Thank you for the lovely compliment!  I am so dedicated to this book because of how special it is deep down to my soul. I lost my business and got sick along with many others 3+ years ago to a sewer water misconnection and have been fighting the legal system ever since (trial in March). I promised myself because of the destruction that we have gone through that I would help in any way that I can when someone is dealing with a horrible water issue. Well this is the biggest water issue ever, so to be part of this project, well literally there are no words. To my core special.  That is where my dedication comes from. =)  Hugs Amy

  • Sharing, sharing, sharing...... =)

    Hello are some of the things that I have done to share our book with everyone.....


    Already Done:

    Added a book purchase link on my blog (permanent position on right side)

    Added O&W facebook link to my blog (permanent position on right side)

    Added O&W blog link to my blog (permanent position on right side)

    Added O&W summary to my blog (permanent position on right side)

    Added O&W She Writes to my blog (permanent position on right side)


    Wrote a story on my blog about what being part of the antho means to me:


    Added media release to my blog:


    Wrote a story about what the antho means to me on The Next Family:


    ~Did local news interview regarding my water story and the antho

    ~Emailed it to everyone on my facebook list (yes 20 at a time...=) 

    ~Posted the purchase links on Facebook numerous days in a row

    ~Posted the stories from my blog and Next Fam on Facebook

    ~Posted the media release on Facebook

    ~Asked friends to post on their facebooks

    ~Added to my bio for everyone that I write for


    Still going to do....

    ~Contact local book stores

    ~Contact addtional news stations

    ~Contact local paper

    ~Contacting friends that are in the media that can help get the word out about the meaning of the book


    That's it for now!  Have a beautiful weekend everyone!!!  Amy


  • I posted it to fb yesterday and it's the front page of my new website, I talked about it at the Brooklyn Reading Works event last night, too.


    Looking forward to seeing the book and reading all y'all's pieces.

    Warmly, Dania.

  • Thanks for letting us know Mary!  Keep sharing ladies!  Thank you so much Zetta and Nicky for all you have done! Amy