How to increase sales from the small press that published my novel.
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I recently had my romance published by an American small press. They are fabulous to work with but I'm Canadian. I already have two indie book stores willing to carry it on consignment but when I worked out the exchange rate to purchase my books (even at wholesale), shipping and the stores commission 40 to 45% I end up losing money on each sale. I would welcome any ideas on other venues to sell directly to my readers.
  • I'll ask my publisher. Yes, they are using LSI. If they have a Canadian outlet that would solve some of my problems. Thanks for the help.
  • You don't make any money selling at book stores. Identify your target audience and find out where they hang out. For instance, I write women's fiction and I've had good success selling my books at hair salons, nail salons, spas, etc., places women sit and wait and are apt to pick up a book. Good Luck Judith Marshall Author of HUSBANDS MAY COME AND GO BUT FRIENDS ARE FOREVER
  • I agree with Diane. Look at your contract and see if it covers Canada or if your current publisher has a Canadian outlet. Does LSI have a Canadian branch? We're in the UK and print through LSI in the US and UK, and they have now opened in Australia which is good because we have a few Australian authors who would benefit.

    If not LSI, maybe there's another POD provider that you (or your publisher) can use in Canada.