Shameless Self Promotion!
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So, you've started writing the next NY Times Bestseller or are almost finished with it. What have you done to get the word create a little buzz that might position you better, to an agent or publisher?
  • Hello, Joyce! How are you? I just wanted to follow-up, in regards to the message I sent summarizing my last critique group. Let me know your thoughts and thanks for taking the time!
  • Will do! I am nervous but excited to get some feedback and direction! I'll get back to you, after the meeting via a message. In the meantime, take care!
  • All, Thanks for the many comments and great tips... I am also using social media and I created a blog where I invite friends and others to blog their thoughts... Since my book is about women empowerment, I look for topics that will generate debate and deep passionate discussions. For example, my latest blog was on the comments made by California gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown regarding Meg Whitman... Even though the comment was disturbing, what was more disturbing was the endorsement of Brown by NOW. I sent out emails to all the women on my mailing list as well as some of the men and it started a firestorm... I got many requests to subscribe to my blog and others asking me to notify them when my book will be available. I am also facing several challenges with publishers, etc and may decide to go the self publishing route. I did have a radio station ask me for my press kit and I felt like an idiot because I did not have anything to give them. Keep doing what you're doing and I'm sure you'll be just fine. Thanks Dawn Nicole Martin
  • Keri, sounds like you're on the right writing track! Do me a favor, will you? Let me know how your critique goes and what some of the comments are?
  • Ha, ha...I am presenting my first 5-page submission of my wip (thank you very much on the acronym) novel, this weekend, at my writer's group's critique session. Thinking about standing out and just wanting to add some flare to my submission, I'm attaching a fun coversheet with a design reflective of the novel's tone and am including a About The Author page, on the back, with a pic of myself and a brief bio. Hey, might as well act as if! *giggle* What things have you done to make yourself and your work stand out?
  • Hello, Joyce! I have been reading out how tough it can be to get noticed and to get a promotional allotment. I have a long way to go, before I need to worry about getting an agent and getting published. To be honest, it seems overwhelming and scary! I am writing a Contemporary Fantasy fiction novel, aimed at women...desperate housewives, desperatley-seeking-susans, suddenly singles, etc...that takes place in modern L.A. It's about a withdrawn young woman, who is brought to life by the forbidden love of a famous rockstar. Undeterred by his dark secret, she will face a traitorous human servant and the horrifc plans of a powerful coven lord, uncovering an unimagineable destiny that will launch her into vampire legend! I see it being three parts, if not three books (*giggle*): Now Debuting, The Rise, and Becoming Legend. I will actually be presenting my first submission from the book, at my writer's group's critique session on Saturday!
  • I own a publishing company -- Chalet Publishers, LLC. We write press releases for our authors but it's according to who you can get published with. Agents don't send out releases...only the publishing companies and they don't ordinarily do it unless it's a "name" author. What is your book about? I'm interested. I've had three books published by NY houses and got not much press or promotion. Now that I have my own company, I really pour on the power in the promotion department for our authors! Oh, let me brag a of my authors' novella, "Sweet Music On Moonlight Ridge" was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize! What's your book's theme?
  • Joyce, can you explain more about the press release idea? Will an agent or publisher do that, or would the author do that? Thanks for sharing!