visualize your perfect writing day
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So, this idea comes form Joan Dempsey's book, "The Power of Deliberate Thinking: 5 Strategies for Staying at The Writing Desk (Despite your self doubts)" on, well, comes from Goethe also (Whatever you can dream, you can do...). So, what is your ideal writing day? Wake up to yoga and mediation, followed by green tea and 4 hours of uninterrupted writing and editing? Or a cup of coffee, some reading, followed by writing and a glass of wine to finish off the day with friends? And how can you make this day a reality?
  • I assume you're not including weekends.......or do you need to recalculate? Skip that, it could be really depressing.
  • Oh boy, don't we all. Seriously, how little can little get. I mean, here I am promoting how to write steadily in 10 minutes a day. That's how it is in my world! So, it will take me approximately 2 years and 42 days to finish my next manuscript! Darn kids.
  • yeah, me either. But it's nice to plan it out. Oh, and btw all, the site / writer that I took this idea from, Joan Dempsey, has another ebook on her site called "60 Tips and Tools for Staying at the Writing Desk." Just finished it--it's witty and has wonderful ideas for getting and keeping us writing. Oh, and those of us with little free time, it's a very quick and efficient read.
  • Any day that I could be alone from the moment I wake up until the moment I fall back on the pillow - though I don't think it's going to be happening any time soon.
  • Ha! Yes, so hard, I definitely understand. Check out that 10 minute a day habit that Joan talks about on (based on Leo Babuata's ideas). You could use that for quitting smoking...implement something else instead--more writing time! :)
  • From Cambridge, in the heart of the English fens, I've posted my perfect writing day on my blog. I have thoroughly enjoyed this discussion! Susan
  • I actually quit for several years, then I started again about two years ago. My kids are now getting old enough to realize what I'm doing when I go 'outside', so I'm gonna have to figure out a way to quit real soon.