Writing a Mystery Novel
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Hello, I am writing my first mystery novel, and I joined this group particularly in the hopes of sharing joys and sorrows with fellow mystery novels. Is there anyone else there who, like me, tends to write short stories that aren't mysteries, but then in long form -- like a novel or novella -- finds every plot is really a mystery story?
  • Hello, Roberta. Like Ruth, I'm published, but nothing fictional. I'm dipping my toe into mysterious writings using short stories, but I feel rather like the Cinderella sister whose toes were too big to get into the slipper: too many subplots to fit into a short story. I'd like to practice fiction in the short form first rather than in a longer work, but it's almost like the old apology about writing a long letter because of not having enough time to write a short letter. Rock <---> Hard place.
  • Hi Roberta, I'm new to the group and SheWrites also. Have stuff published but not the two mysteries novels I spent the past couple of years writing and now querying. I used to only write short stories until I discovered the joy of plots. I've purposely set out to write mysteries but I get your point. Whenever there's suspense there might be a mystery. Are you finding sorrows in your writing? Regards, Ruth