Memoir, narrative nonfiction, other
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I'm curious how many of us submitted memoir, narrative nonfiction, or more standard non-fiction. Anyone want to share?
  • I am in the process of writing my memoir: a whole pre-pub marketing plan, a query letter, and maybe I'm going to turn my memoir into something else. I'm not sure if I keep it essay form, do creative journal form, or do a straight well written story.

    I'm crying out for help. Someone tell me where i can find a coach!!


  • "Our Soldiers are Returning / Write Your Heart Out" is my post this week on My Uncharted Journey into Publishing My First Book, Diary of a Vet's Wife.  Stop by for a quick read, if you can squeeze it in.  Do you have a loved one returning?

    Nancy MacMillan @

  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a real illness which can be caused by many different traumatic situations and can happen to anyone! This week I've posted "Has PTSD Touched You? / Chapter 26 Excerpt . . ." from my memoir, Diary of a Vet's Wife, on my Uncharted Journey into Publishing My 1st Book.

    Nancy MacMillan @

    I'd love to  hear from others who have been where I was . . .

  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a real illness caused by many different traumatic situations and can happen to anyone! 

    Visit "Has PTSD Touched You?" plus an excerpt from Chapter 26 of my memoir on My Uncharted Journey into Publishing My 1st Book.

    Nancy MacMillan @

    I'd love to  hear from others who have been where I was . . .

  • Hi all, new to SheWrites (and didn't submit anything to this contest, but if there was another would hope to :-)) it ok to jump in? Still an active thread/group?
  • I submitted a non-fiction piece that I self-published, called The Balance Finder. The book helps Superwomen turn in their capes and gain a spiritual perspective on life balance that brings inner peace, clarity, and organization.
  • I submitted an excerpt from a chapter of a memoir. Have you found any trends as far as collections of essays vs. memoir vs. nonfiction?
  • Thoroughly enjoyed your website and... your first chapter. Sounds like you are progressing well along your journey... which will find one of its summits in the eventual publication of your book! (love the idealism!)