Anne McCaffrey
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I was 15 when I "met" Anne McCaffrey. I was staying the summer with my father and new stepmother for the first time in 3 years. We had visits before then, but never very long. This was an entire summer away from "home". Away from my mother, away from few friends and away from my first ever boyfriend...for the ENTIRE summer. I was a mess, but then my step grandmother came to meet me and she brought with her Moreta: The Dragonlady of Pern. No one had ever suggested to me that I could read something for fun. So being the sullen, yet polite 15 year old I was at the time, I reluctantly accepted the book and began to read out of boredom...2 days later. I was 15 after all and I was not about to do something immediately after a grown up suggested it. I was hooked. I read everything my grandmother had in her house that summer with the exception of her cookbooks. My grandmother helped me find an even playing ground with myself by introducing me to a world where age didn't matter - just a curiosity to what was behind that book cover.