Children are always funny-so are grandchildren Here is my story and I think it is funny
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I got married at 19. My Mom said all I wanted was to get married and have kids but after years of therapy I think I just wanted to be a grownup and leave home but was too scared without the sanction of marriage. My parents had always said no man will buy a cow if milk is so cheap. I married so I could fuck. Yikes was I young and inexperienced. I had my two sons at age 22 and 24. My pregnancies were my happiest times and I couldn't wait to have two boys-no girls for me. Why would I expect to be a good mom to girls when my Mom and I were not a good team. Fast forward- I was married twenty years and was separated/divorced by 39 and was I thrilled. I had just been married too young and was tired of taking care of an adult husband. I had gone from my parents house to my house and had two kids within a few years. My kids were 15 and 17 and now I was in an apartment by myself just a mile away for the first time in my life. I had my own space. I wanted them to see that their Dad was capable of taking care of them. I was the power in the relationship. I kept the boat afloat. When we got separated my ex couldn't find an apartment in all of LA so I went and the first day out found one for myself which I lived in for a year and then moved back into the family home and my ex moved out. The kids liked being in their own house and this way they could visit me when they wanted (although) I had only a one bedroom. During the separation, in my own place, I was like a kid in a candy store who only had hershey kisses their whole life and now was exposed to the riches of other candies. My rule was the men I dated had to be at least as old as my sons and some were just that. My kids went away to college so most of this past, unnoticed until he hears it tonight. We finalized our divorce and I bought my house back from my ex.for the second time and still live there today. Fast forward another 20 years and both sons were happily married (at age 31, I might add)) and living in Chicago with their own families. I was again thrilled. Once I had grandchildren I flew out every 6 weeks and was a fabulous Grammie. I stayed in each son's house for 2-3 days as to not wear out my welcome and then flew home happy that I had my life and they had theirs. I was a Jewish mother but much easier to control with the 2750 flight miles between us. I had a fabulous relationship with my daughters-in-law and enjoyed my time with them but when I came back to my Zen home, my life was my own. I could do whatever I wanted and I did. Now we return to current time-the year 2009 and my older son calls me and tells me he is thinking of leaving Chicago and moving to LA to work for his uncle (my ex BIL). He wants to move in with me to do a test run starting in April to see if it works for him and his family. This son had not lived at home since he left for college and now he was coming home and if it worked he would live here in LA permanently with his family. Might I remind you it is me who only stayed a few days in his home as to not overstay my welcome. My son had always been somewhat volatile and like a volcano could go off and get to 60 in 10 seconds. He had told me he was receiving help and I did see a change in him when I visited but living together?????????? We lived wonderfully together in my house for 5 months because we barely saw each other. He worked from early morning to late nights and then commuted home to Chicago every 10 days for a weekend. I did sneak out to an ex boyfriend's (he once was an ex for good reason) and as far as anyone knew he was history. I found myself making up stories and using friends to cover my sleepovers. I was 60 years old and literally sneaking out of my own home. This had to stop but how. If I fessed up it would be a discussion and I didn't feel I wanted to explain myself. I sent a message to both son's families and confessed and asked for no comments. One day after 5 months my son announces it works and that his wife and kids (2 twin boys age 5 and one 2 1/2 year old daughter) are moving and would it be okay to move everyone into my house until they find somewhere to live. Let me go back to my ZEN house. I love it and my life. I was thrilled they lived in Chicago and attributed it to a great relationship and distance. My first response was sure (I rarely say no) and made a call to my therapist who I had not seen for years. She basically let me come in that week. I sat in her office with anxiety and worry about boundaries and having three alpha personalities in my small (can you say 1500 square feet) home.. But when the kids and his wife came to live with me how would it be. I retouch paint in my house for god's sake. How were three little ones who would be jammed into 2 rooms with their parents ever work? I told them that they could stay until Nov 1 before they even arrived on Sept 9th. All agreed. They moved in and boy did they move in. Every room but mine became a kid's zone. Toys, games, balls, dolls, books and clothes were everywhere. Washer and dryer running day and night. For the first few days I was constantly on guard. I needed to keep my Jewish mouth closed and succeeded quite well. The Nov 1 date extended until Dec 31 then again until Feb3. The kids already knew the kids on the street and the families were all young and the arrival of another young family was perfect. But what about me and all these people who had been my friends first. I was a little worried that I would lose my standing on the block but soon I realized that wouldn't happen. We could all be friends and this would not interfere with my separate relationships with my neighbors. Then the amazing part happened. They found a house. Not just any house but a house on my street. And as Sarah Palin might have said I can see their house from my porch. 5 houses down and across the street. I asked did they think this would work and my dil said if she didn't think it would work she wouldn't do it. My son was thrilled to be back on the block he grew up on. The kids were going to go to the schools he attended.. To back track a few months. The living together worked. I was getting good at boundaries after only a few sessions with my therapist. I learned to keep my mouth shut except for once or twice. I learned to let chips in the paint go untouched. I had some rules about food and where they could eat which the kids followed. Shoes were left at the front door. My dil was terrific at cleaning up but mostly I didn't give her a chance to do it as I just had time and liked my clean better and she was very busy getting everyone in schools, classes and activities. I learned a lot about myself. I could share at this age. I could give up some of my compulsions and organization and I could also say no. I started having sleepovers with my friend with benefits and the kids would say have fun at your sleepover grammie. I found ways to have privacy in a very small space or someone else’s place. I traveled too. I also learned that I could live with someone temporarily and survive and still have a voice in my life. I saw a side of my son that I only dreamed about and thought about but didn't witness on a fulltime basis. He was a terrific husband, father and son. He loves his wife and kids and would lay down for them in a heartbeat. It is nice to be able to REALLY see that. When a child grows up you hope that you instilled the right values but until they are tested you never really know for sure. And by the very nature of all being in a confined space boy we were tested. But the best parts were and still are those grandkids. They loved me from birth but living in my house for 4 months established a new bond that can never be broken. We cuddled, we shared, we talked, we hugged and we told stories. We talked about the best part of our day when we had dinner together. I laughed at almost everything they said because they are funny. I got to really know their personalities and I know my son has been given a gift to see what he was like as a child as these children have all his strengths and weaknesses They also have strong opinions and can be stubborn just as he was at their age. Also, as intense.. They are adorable and loving and have a way about themselves that is truly unique. I won't say it was totally without compromise but we are all stronger for it. And I can still say with a wonderful smile that my DIL is a fabulous cook, a loving wife, great Mom and terrific DIL. I thought I would lose my identity and become invisible as I have felt for a great part of my life but instead I saw my flexibility, my boundaries and my true spirit emerge. I must admit within 36 hours of their move (down 5 houses and across the street) all the paint was retouched, the walls wiped clean of hand prints, their stuff moved to their new house, the garage and every room as clean as before they came and my life back to that ZEN quality but if I want some of that loving I just walk down 5 houses and across the street and the best part awaits when they greet me and give me hugs and kisses. And now the grand kids have sleepovers here.