Just Joined Hello!
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Just wanted to introduce myself and wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving with a poem I wrote for the occasion. The time has come for us to say, I thank you for blessings that come my way. I'm thankful for friends old and new. who come to my house for turkey stew. On the day after we eat our fill, of turkey and stuffing and cranberry gel. My friends and I shop for something new, to put on our table for Christmas is due. I put on a face that's merry and true, but I can't wait to get out of this zoo. I hate all the fuss and the shopping sprees, that make my life anxious, now I'm starting to freeze. I wish to go home and start anew and eat some warm biscuits and turkey stew. It's almost over, the tree is down. The new year is starting with its new crown. I can't believe it as I look down, my scale is now lying I've gained fifteen pounds. So let this time make you merry and blue, A promise of years spent thinking of you. Oh, thanks for the party, the memories anew, we'll do it again Merry Christmas to you.