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How did the UCLA course turn out, Phyllis?
  • Hi Chantal, Sorry for my delay in responding. The course went well and I have taken several since then. I am now taking a course called Creative Alchemy. It is helping me hone my story. How are things going with you?
  • Chantal, It's great your submitting short stories. Are you published yet? Memoir is a great genre. I am taking a class this semester on Story Structure for the novel. There are a few memoirists in the class. Most are writing novels.
  • I'm not doing any writing courses at the moment. I have been sending short stories out but I'm very interested in memoir as a form. I like Dani Shapiro, Maggie O'Farrell. I want to read Diana Athill. Its interesting that many of the fiction writers also write memoir and vice versa.
  • HI Chantal, It went well. I am enrolled in another course now. Sorry for taking so long to respond. How is your writing going?