What are you Writing?
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We single ladies got all the time in the world, but are you giving time to do some writing? What are you all writing about now?
  • Hi all. I know this post is a bit old but I just joined. I am finishing up my first free written short story. It's the first time I've just let it come out without overthinking and over-editing. And although, I am certain it's not one of my best pieces, I think it's pretty good for not obsessing over the details. Also, I am not accustomed to writing short stories so I am just happy to have spread my wings in that direction. Anyone else written short stories or just free written without editing?
  • Writing "Yuletide's Christmas Story". A NaNoWriMo.org Project. Completed the 50,000 Words and trying to reach now Editing. NaNoWriMo now has a New Website where you don't have to put in the Project your Writing about. It's all on Merit and you must be honest with yourself and not try to prove that Words are just that Words. This NaNoWriMo November 2019 was the Best for I love the Website, for now, it runs into December 2019 for Editing and in January everyone will Revise for the Final Draft, which means some of us will Finish before Camp NaNoWriMo in April and July 2020 get's here. This is a great place to meet people and to have your Project looked at.