Critique Group Startup
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Hi everyone! I'm a science writer looking to join or start a critique group. I write from my home in northwestern Wyoming. My day job is writing technical reports for the National Park Service. I'm also working on a non-fiction science book proposal. I've published several articles in local Montana magazines and hope to expand my reach in the coming year. To that end, I'm working on several personal travel/science essays that I plan to submit to literary journals. I'd love to create a supportive and trusting environment where a few serious writers give each other feedback on our work. Is anyone interested?
  • Yes, a critique group would be excellent. It would be wonderful to see what you've written, if you're willing to share. Which literary journals are you thinking of submitting to? I use the free to locate publishers. I queried a science magazine for children (Ask) but have not heard back from them.
  • Hi Lisa! I'm writing a science fiction book right now, but have written science nonfiction in the past, and hope to get back into it in the future. I'd love to join a critique group if you are still interested!