Clever Puppies: Top Questions Concerning Clever Puppies In The World

For centuries dogs have been known to be man’s best friends and that's why a lot of people love living with dogs. When it comes to living with dogs, have you thought that some puppies can be considered clever puppies? Well, the truth is that some dogs can be considered clever while others can be considered just lovable clueless creatures. Do you have any questions in regards to clever puppies? Well, today you are in luck as in this article we shall dive into the top questions asked by countless of our readers in regards to clever puppies in the world.

What constitutes clever puppies?

When it comes to clever puppies and what constitutes intelligence in puppies? It does come down to several factors. These factors can include, adaptability, puppy obedience, and even animal instincts. When it does come to clever puppies it is vital to note that some puppies can be social and emotionally dependent on humans making them easier to train and obey human commands. On the other hand, some dogs can be considered to have intuitive smarts. Take for instance the hound, it is not receptive to human commands but does come with superior sight and smell senses, while the terriers tend to have a superior sense of direction and do have excellent hearing capabilities.

Do clever puppies have an IQ?

When it comes to measuring clever puppies, it comes down to the qualities you are measuring and observing. In regards to clever puppies, any puppy which can learn a new line of command in less than 5 repetitions can be considered among the Einsteins of puppies.

Do bigger dog breeds produce more clever puppies as compared to small dog breeds?

Well, before answering this question it is vital to understand there is no scientific backing. However certain research does suggest that bigger dogs breeds tend to have clever puppies as compared to their smaller counterparts. According to a research to investigate whether there is a correlation between dog intelligence and dog size of 1,888 dogs. The research did produced unambiguous results. However, the trend did indicate an inclination to larger dogs, with larger dog breeds having better memory as compared to their smaller counterparts. The larger dog breeds could remember things for a longer time while vice versa was true for their counterparts.


After reading the above blog piece, do you believe we have answered all of your questions in regards to clever puppies? If not, what are your additional question in regards to dog intelligence or clever puppies? If you do have any questions do feel to ask our team of experts. Our team of experts is always willing to answer every question when it comes to dogs and puppies. Are you looking for instincts on how best to live with your dog? If yes, kindly visit more of our blog pieces on clever puppies.