• July 2010
    Thanks, Deborah, Jackie, and Jessica! As you can see, there's plenty of beach and we'd love to share it with you. Wouldn't it be fun to see a long line of sandy books on the shore?
  • June 2010
    Looks like a great party. Love the cake, but even better the two books!
  • June 2010
    GORGEOUS DAY! And even lovelier company! I am so grateful to She Writes for letting me find a She Writer less than a mile down the road, and to have spent a wonderful afternoon talking writing, sharing ideas, and offering support. It feels like we...
  • June 2010
    I'm so jealous! You all were able to meet at the beach. Great pic with the cake and the books!
  • June 2010
  • June 2010
    Thanks, Mary. It's great to have all these tips in one concise article.

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