• August 2010
    I have been stuck pounding on the glass ceiling, waiting for someone to magically carve an orb in it so I can gracefully step through. How about today I just bust through and let the splinters shatter around me - it can't hurt, it's an imaginary...
  • August 2010
    Love it!
  • August 2010
  • August 2010
    Tania, Thanks for the tips - it feels great to know someone understands what I've been going through. Your video has a great voice. I'm also inspired to write when I drive. I actually often keep my journal on my lap and write while driving - my...
  • August 2010
    Thanks for breaking down the mental algorithm that programs this. I can't wait for installment #2!
  • August 2010
    #1: becoming a better poet #2: women in the She Writes poets group #3. I can't because i write too plainly; I read mostly non-fiction; I need to grow more language. #4: That's my ceiling -- not reading enough poetry and developing language #5: So i...
  • August 2010
    This is a great post. The proverbial glass ceiling exists in reality AND in our own mind. In most cases, if we overcome the one in our mind, it is a piece of cake to overcome the real one. Your tips are great!
  • July 2010
    @Lynne: The "Westerners studying Westerners and then generalizing to the entire planet" tendency is definitely one of the reasons I love modern anthropology (my chosen social science) so much ... It really breaks one of believing in vast...
  • July 2010
    Crystal, I googled "are men more competitive than women?" (don't you love Google?) and this article cites a study of non-western societies that seems to conclude - and it's still under study - that the culture has more to do with it than innate...
  • July 2010
    @Lynne: You have a lot of valuable points, and I do and always will support research into inequalities, whether sex-based, gender-based, age-based, or something else. I also wonder, as both an in-progress social scientist and as a woman who owns a...

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