• January 2016
    It is inhuman to write on and on without rest, stimulus or inspiration. As an intermittent social smoker (with the rare ability to pick it up after years without,) I have learned that wanting the fix is sometimes better than having it. Try taking...
  • January 2016
    Love this, Dani. So true. I will have to name  my own alignments and that may help resist the allure of breaking without breaking. I think the other issue with internet is that it's all words. The more you break with words, the less likely you come...
  • January 2015
    So, in dodging writing a report that is due in 2 hours, I checked my email and read the comments about Freedom. (Oh, the irony.) Here is the link - https://macfreedom.com/ I think I will go back and purchase it right now. It's 10 bucks...why not?
  • January 2015
    This is a great piece. And I need Freedom.
  • Dani Shapiro commented on her article Cigarette Breaks
    January 2015
    Thanks for all these lovely comments!  Of course, anyone reading this right now is on the Internet.  When I'm writing I use "Freedom" -- in 30 minute increments -- which shuts down emails, Internet, everything.  I find it incredibly helpful.  It's...
  • January 2015
    Dani, This is beautifully written, even though you checked your email, wrote a text & received a photo! Dream time & dream rituals are too easy to neglect. Thanks for the reminder. Be with discomfort. I love this piece.
  • January 2015
    Yes, yes. Another former smoker (and sometimes, at especially high or low emotional moments, I still miss it), who now eats almonds by the handsfull and apples and carrots. The crunch seems to relieve the anxiety that comes with writing. I'm seeing...
  • January 2015
    No smokes allowed! So now I find it helpful to walk around the house or the block, very slowly.  Or to sit in meditation for even just ten minutes.  Enough to shift the right brain to drifty and receptive.  I also find it helpful to slouch on the...
  • January 2015
    Re: the benefits of walking for writers:  See my new post:  Stuck?  Go for a walk!  New findings about how walking boosts creative thinking

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