• August 2010
    Love the concept. I'd like to hear more about knowing when "done" is. I've thrown out so many drafts and started over, done major rewrites... and I'm never sure the current version is any better than the last. Often times, I go back and re-read the...
  • August 2010
    Horrible? No. Human? Yes.
  • August 2010
    Your advice is also applicable to every thing in life. Focusing on your objective, or your primary goal, in relationships, career positions, child rearing . . . everything not only make decisions easier to make, and puts consequences (intended and...
  • August 2010
    What a great response from such a diverse group! How wonderful.
  • July 2010
    ...and here we thought we were writers, but find that we are also researchers, editors, agent vetters, marketers, sellers, distributors, bloggers, and public speakers. So many hats, so little time. Thanks, Tania. Well done.

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