• October 2011
    Great ideas here! I'm only 29 days away from the official publication date now. One thing I wondered about is having a few quotes from the book and maybe a photo or two standing up on the signing table. Something that people can peek a read at from...
  • July 2011
    You're scaring the bajeebers out of me! I will soon be doing what you are. Actually, I've always thought that cookbook authors and those who include some type of food in their books have it so stinkin' easy! What kind of give away fits with a baby...
  • July 2011
    I know what you mean. I too heard that traditional book tours were going by the wayside. Apparently, they aren't that successful in terms of selling books anyway. I've read that as few as one in 20 people who go to a reading or signing will even buy...

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