• August 2010
    Kamy, this is a worthy distinction to make. I agree with Jodi - as a copywriter, I flex the same muscles but don't consider it 'real' writing. I need to invent, without parameters, to write.
  • August 2010
    Thank you for this, Erin. There is such confusion with 'memoir' and 'autobiography', and you're exactly right - no one cares unless you're famous, or you've got a darn good angle. I'm also put off by the veiled threat that you'll regret a rejection...
  • July 2010
    Have you? I went through something similar a month or so ago. I had a writer friend look over the first 50 pages or so, and the feedback was good - I thought I'd dulled the novel, but she disagreed. We revise and re-read so many times that we dull...
  • July 2010
    I just got chills reading this - congratulations! You're living the dream, sister. Best of luck at your reading tonight.

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