• Lynne Favreau replied on the discussion topic My New Sci-Fi Novella Just Launched!
    May 2017
  • Lynne Favreau replied on the discussion topic What happened?
    May 2017
  • May 2017
  • June 2015
    I just got off a phone call in which we were discussing managing time and writing. I realized after reading your post that I don't even consider scheduling self-care into my time.We did discuss how I've let my need to be of use and helpful override...
  • April 2015
    Terrific guidance and advise Liz! I have a friend ready to hit the publish button and can't wait to show her this. Thanks for posting Zetta!
  • May 2014
    That's a spectacular tip. And congrats.
  • July 2013
    Jan you don't need to write younger, you just need to write respectfully. It sounds a bit like you don't empathize with being a teenager, or value your life experiences. Why did you chose to write for the magazine if you didn't think you had...
  • June 2013
    Thank you for sharing this valuable story Judith. I'm in awe of how much work it takes to successfully launch a book. As much as I try to stay informed and up to date with social media, I think saving up for a publicist is the smartest thing I can...
  • October 2012
    http://overland.org.au/blogs/bungei-sensen/2012/03/you-dont-read-women-authors-do-you/ http://therumpus.net/2012/04/beyond-the-measure-of-men/
  • September 2012
    That's a great idea, I'm so stuck in that loop right now. I must have reread my first 6 chapters dozens of time trying to get back into my story when I've had to leave it for a few days. Thanks!!

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