• April 2011
    Well done!  :) I don't think drinking and writing mix either. You need to be fully present when you write and alcohol makes a part of you drift away.
  • April 2011
    Congrats on the award and thanks for passing it on to me! :) (Sorry for the late reply. I'm on holiday in Australia at the moment and haven't been online.)
  • April 2011
    Hi Sam! What a lovely entry. That's the lovely thing about SW - in this community I always feel cushioned from the ugly and the negative! A friend of mine used to say: whatever you do/create is an achievement, what comes after is a bonus... so...
  • April 2011
    This is great, Sam. Yes, a certain air of detachment might actually help us to be ourselves when we blog :)
  • March 2011
    Great post! I agree 100%. Being a writer isn't so much what you do, it's what you ARE - hence the drive to make your writing "work." Your stories are an extension of yourself and you won't/cant' stop until they truly are an honest and effective...
  • March 2011
    Lovely :)
  • March 2011
    Congrats on your award! :) (And I love mint tea too!)
  • February 2011
    Hmm. Does drinking more coffee count? ;-) Seriously though, I think the biggest change I've made has been to expand my social circle to include more kindred spirits. I'm naturally an introvert, but I find that the support of a writing community is...
  • February 2011
    Elizabeth - Good ol' Georgie. What would we do without him? :)

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