• June 2015
  • January 2012
    Thanks for this post. It is difficult to know what happens when you become a full time Indie writer and I find it very helpful that you have shared your sales number with us. I hope that 2012 will be even better for you! Congrats again!
  • August 2011
    Impressive statistics! I think that I can only be a part time writer as doing different things provides me some useful material for my writing. As for quantifying, I prefer not to because I think I would scare me!
  • June 2011
    I hope that your dad is feeling better. I just wanted to ask you: did the trees move for you?
  • May 2011
    I like your post. It is a shame that you are on the other side of the pond, because you could be my running mate ( I am slow too!)... Running is so much more than running. It hasn't led me to meditation (yet), but I really like it !
  • May 2011
    Spot on Marcia...I don't know what happened in this Sofitel bedroom, but if he tried to rape her I hope he won't get away with it. As for Arnie, it isn't very pretty and I hope he'll understand what he has lost...
  • May 2011
    Thanks for sharing your story with us. I simply don't know what I would have done...as for DSK, we just have to wait and see now. I am convinced that the maid couldn't have press charges in France, so hopefully, as you say, this incident will break...
  • May 2011
    What a great post! It is difficult to escape, even for one day. That said, let's hope that after such a difficult time something good will emerge... I also like you paragraph about educated girls mocking their maid's accent. I am starting to think...

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