• November 2010
    Thanks so much Ami. Having been trashed, and I mean trashed, by one or more male reviewers, I'm glad SHE WRITES is taking up the topic of failure and success. Yes, it is easier, so much easier, not to do than to do and suffer the slings and arrows...
  • November 2010
    Loved all of this and thanks, Roxanna, but especially loved that last graf: "Angst among the Jews" or Toni MOrrison's "More Trouble for Blacks." I wonder if the same holds true for addiction memoirs. Is it reductionist to call them that?
  • October 2010
    Ah, I love reading anything Katha has to say. But now I'll go back, at her recommendation, and check out "Snapshots of a Daughter-In-Law." Thanks Katha. Fran R. Schumer
  • September 2010
    I love this blog, Tayari. And it rings so true for me (in life and on the page). I love the acting it out advice.....what fun. Fake fighting. Or maybe real.....
  • August 2010
    I have a few first drafts. One ends; the other just wimps out. How do you know/feel whether to work on an old draft more or just give up and move on. Great post, Tayari. Thanks so much.
  • June 2010

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