
  • I love your platform. So many wonderful things can follow when Mother's raise amazing daughters. Yes,I will follow, read, and comment. You are inspiring. You go Mom, Cheers, Renee
  • In my opinion, with all the crazy politics of the GOP and Dems fighting, the wars and tensions in the Middle East, the crisis in Japan, our attention spans have grown...
  • Meg Bortin commented on her article Is This a True Story?
    Carol, you raise a tricky point. Of course anyone can find out who Mona Venture is - especially because the book is a memoir written in the first person, and my real n...
  • Toni D. Weymouth commented on her article Book finished
    Thanks Angela. I loved Diary of a London Call Girl on Showtime, but i no longer have access to the movie channels, so I've missed so many episodes. I am looking for Ma...
  • It's a sign that I just read your post. You are quite right; there is nothing like the wonder of finding a fabulous bookshop and whiling away some hours picking up fin...
  • I have written a few articles that touched on the importance of a web presence for authors. Here's the "meat" from one, in case anyone out there still thinks they're n...
  • Sally, thank you so much for your ideas and your words of wisdom about the long view. We definitely have one here at She Writes, and have no intention of making such a...
  • Dear Laurel: We are all sad that you lost your mother yesterday and we will lose our mother's regretfully tomorrow. What is a "good" death you ask? There is really no...
  • I complement you on your courage and dedication to write this. I sold a two book deal to a new YA imprint (Poisoned Pencil) of one of the nation's largest hardback pu...
  • What a creative way to raise awareness about sexual harassment. Thanks for sharing!