
  • Very cool. The use of profanity in the second didnt bother me at because it created a pretty specific image. I think you did a very good job.
  • Deborah, I'm drawn to the specific examples you give of both the behaviours that confirm the conventional gender expectations (dainty splashing, forceful kicking) as...
  • @Mercedes & Vivienne - I'm not a (c) lawyer by any means of the word but both of you have valid points. You are the (c) holder the moment you start/create your wor...
  • Good points about setting -- and I'd go even further -- setting often informs the character and their actions.  In my young adult debut novel, LIE, (St. Martin's Press...
  • I struggle with the often blurry lines between memoir and non-fiction as a larger category. In sharing my story, I'm conflicted with the whole notion of exclusion vers...
  • I am both. I think it's often what surprises many writers writing his or her first book, and truer for those who've never written a book. Perhaps the word 'creative' a...
  • Your story sounds like my own! I'm a college professor in a field that's got nothing to do with creative writing (costuming for stage/film/TV), and i've published acad...
  • Hey everyone, let me know YOUR specific Time Management challenge when it comes to juggling motherhood and writing...give me some specific fodder for our webinar on December 1!
  • My misatake for wandering from the subject of war in the generic sense to a specific w...he outcome was not universally achieved. Nevertheless, that process provides a model for the kind of work that wo...
  • My undergraduate degree is in creative writing. The model the university employed was round table criticism. Everyone had a copy of everyone's offering for the day and had had a chance to make...