
  • I write on the computer, scraps of papers, overdue household utility bills. I also use the memo/text applications on my cell phone. Oh those spiral notebooks... I've g...
  • Yes, thank you for your feedback. My pattern mirrored yours, in part, with applications to several residences (two of which have been awarded for the summer) along wit...
  • I'm very curious about the question Brit Columbia asks. I'm looking to update my email addresses in the future, but I have found that by using my gmail accounts, it ha...
  • Hi Marcia. What a beautiful and deeply-felt post.  I, too, had to make the transition from scientific and clinical writing(professor of Psychiatry at U of Michigan Med...
  • In 2009, I applied to MFA writing programs. I will start hearing whether I got in in the next weeks and months. All of the hard work I did to complete my applications and manuscripts showed me that I will write regardless of what happens with any of these schools. It was an empowering experience.
  • The premise for NaNoWriMo is pretty simple. You have from Nov 1st to Nov 30th (at midnight) to write a 50,000 word novel. It doesn't have to be edited and there is no...
  • Also, for any of you who use smart phones, there are notebook applications you can download, which I find very handy for this kind of thing.  I use one called GooMemo,...
  • Thank you for your honesty, Catherine. Your comments are inspiring me. After I sent out my applications to graduate school, I threw myself a celebration with friends,...
  • Go for it! The spreadsheet is really helpful and motivating. Mine has columns for the name of the residency, the cost (if any), the location, duration, how i would nee...
  • charlotte commented on her article MFA help, big time
    hey kate--thanks for reading this blog post and responding! i'm applying in new york and boston: umass boston, emerson, BU, queens college, brooklyn college, hunter, a...