
  • Yeeeees, thank you for sharing! You state things so clearly that I can really nod too,...t my instincts as a paid writer (which have been set to "panic and desperation mode" for a few months) have been...
  • I'm working on a memoir and every time I thought of putting together an outline, I wan...but I savor every minute of it. But I'm all about trying to break our cultural mode of "gotta hurry up." I haven'...
  • It's amazing how often we don't even think about what a gift it is to be able to walk or dance or just be pain free. Then, in a moment, this silent ease is gone. Our b...
  • You do understand, Kate, that you could have saved $200 and created your own blog tour just by asking site owners to host you. This is the kind of expenditure that mos...
  • Wow! Thank you all for sharing your thoughts and experiences with self-publishing. To those of you who have some experience publishing this way and want to share more...
  • Amazing and interesting, as always, m'dear :) However, I did happen to notice the dialogue struggles... Grammatically, when closing quotes, unless you are using an exc...
  • I think the idea of celebrating your local artistic community at your launch is brilliant. It's such a great way to get free of the me, me, me, I, I, I, aspect of promotion that makes us so self-conscious. Good on ya! I look forward to seeing and reading your book. -T
  • Hi Rachel.  Perfect timing.  Although I'm right in the midst of finding a publisher for a book that I contracted to write for the owners of a blind cat, there was a bo...
  • Brooke, I'm sorry, but I disagree with your advice on so many levels. The language you quote is standard internet proviso gobbledygook.  I refuse to participate in con...
  • Thanks so much everyone, for sharing your experiences with this. It is so challenging to let go, but so important! I love the idea of the art as it's own reward, somet...